The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (CSOSA) understands that clear communication is crucial for our work, especially as it relates to building and maintaining strong partnerships.  We are committed to the goals of the Plain Writing Act of 2010 and are dedicated to making sure all our communications are easy for everyone to understand and use.

CSOSA’s Senior Official for Plain Writing is:

Michen M. Tah, Esq. | Management Analyst
Office of the Director | Communications
Email: | Phone: (202) 220-5318

CSOSA’s guiding principles are community, accountability, and justice. Working with other federal agencies, local government agencies, community- and faith-based organizations, and the community is integral to the work that we do. Clear communication with all of these partners is a necessary part of collaboration, and collaboration is vital to accomplishing our mission.

We need your help to comply with this Act! Let us know if you have trouble understanding our documents or the pages on our website by emailing our Senior Official for Plain Writing at or using the Contact Us form on this website.

Read our Plain Writing Plan here:  CSOSA Plain Writing PlanAdobe Acrobat PDF format

Visit to learn more about how the federal government is working to improve communications.