Success Story | Antoine Johnson

“I wasn’t a bad kid, but I made some bad choices that landed me in some terrible spots,” says Antoine Johnson. Those choices led to substance abuse, criminal activity, and ultimately incarceration.

Separated from his parents, Mr. Johnson began experimenting with alcohol and illicit substances at age 12. At age 16, he was caught in a stolen vehicle. Like many who have been in the juvenile justice system, Mr. Johnson became involved in the adult justice system.

After successfully completing CSOSA supervision, Mr. Johnson joined the agency as a Credible Messenger. The Credible Messenger program grants qualified individuals who go through the job application process and are accepted, the opportunity to work for CSOSA for a six-month term. Credible Messengers positions are open to those who have completed a period of probation, parole, or supervised release.

Credible Messengers use their prior life experiences to provide support to people under supervision—assisting current supervisees in articulating their goals and navigating systems to obtain services in the community. In turn, Credible Messengers receive valuable work experience that increases their employability and marketability for future career opportunities.

Watch the video to learn more about Mr. Johnson’s story and experience.


Success Story | Antoine Johnson “I wasn’t a bad kid, but I made some bad choices that landed me in some terrible spots,” says Antione Johnson. Those choices led to substance abuse, criminal activity, and ultimately incarceration. Watch the video to learn about how Mr. Johnson turned his life around, successfully completed CSOSA supervision, and became a Credible Messenger guiding others in their path to success. READ MORE

CSOSA  by the Numbers

CSOSA’s approach to community supervision emphasizes assessment, intervention, and accountability to protect the public and provide the people we supervise with the services they need to improve their lives.

Click on an image above to learn more about the people we supervise, our impact, or our Hire One initiative.

Our History

About Us

CSOSA is a federal agency with the distinctly local mission of supervising adults on probation, parole, and supervised release in the District of Columbia.

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Our Impact


CSOSA’s impact on public safety is best illustrated by those who successfully complete their term of supervision.

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Public Safety

Public Safety

Public safety is a key tenet of the mission of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA).

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The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s second strategic goal is to integrate supervisees into the community.

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CSOSA strives to strengthen and promote accountability by ensuring the compliance of those under our supervision and cultivating a culture of continuous measurement and improvement.

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Fair Administration of Justice

Fair Administration of Justice

CSOSA is committed to supporting the fair administration of justice by providing criminal justice decision-makers with timely, unbiased, and accurate information.

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Young Adult Resources CJAN (via Zoom): April 26

Community Justice Advisory Network (CJAN) Meeting - April 26, 6 p.m., Young Adult Resources
Young Adult Resources CJAN (via ZOOM)
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 @ 6 p.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 190 5850

Passcode: 912828

Topic: Young Adult Resources That Enhance Community Social Supports

Come learn from UDC, DOES, OSSE, and DYRS about the available resources to support 18- to 24-year-olds in skill development and prosocial activities.

Please join us and spread the word to others who might have interest in attending.

For more information, contact:
Michael Bonds at (202) 841-0732 or Denise Reed at (202) 302-8807.


Financial Literacy CJAN (via Zoom): April 20

Community Justice Advisory Network (CJAN) Meeting - April 20, 11 a.m., Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy CJAN (via ZOOM)
Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 11 a.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 6417 1050

Passcode: Literacy

Topic: Financial Literacy Forum

Join CSOSA, MORCA, Industrial Bank, Capital Area Asset Builders (CAAB), and the DC Department of Insurance, Securities & Banking (DISB) to learn financial literacy fundamentals.

Please join us and spread the word to others who might have interest in attending.

For more information, contact:
Elba Gonzalez (202) 841-0889 | Walter Chin (202) 821-3471


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Mentoring CJAN (via Zoom): April 6

Community Justice Advisory Network (CJAN) Meeting - April 6, 6 p.m., Mentoring
Mentoring CJAN (via ZOOM)
Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ 6 p.m.
Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 905 5828

Passcode: MENTOR

Topic: Mentoring

Join us on April 6 @ 6PM for a CJAN meeting featuring mentors & mentees from the @DC_CSOSA Faith & Community Based Initiative to discuss the importance of mentorship & its impact on our supervisees & DC residents.

Please join us and spread the word to others who might have interest in attending.




CSOSA Congressional Budget Justification

FY 2024 CSOSA Congressional Budget Justification

CSOSA’s Performance Budget is submitted to Congress with the President’s Budget each year. These documents describe the Agency’s programs in the performance plan, the budget estimates for these program activities, and the distribution of the budget by major program.

Community Resource Days and Resource Fairs: Connecting Supervisees to Critical Services

CSOSA believes strategic partnerships with public and private entities—including local organizations, city government, criminal justice agencies, the faith community, and individual citizens—are critical to facilitating successful reintegration. The agency is committed to ensuring individuals under its supervision have meaningful access to the services that will help them reach their full potential.

This access begins before release from incarceration. In conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), CSOSA’s Office of Intergovernmental and Public Affairs (OLIPA) holds quarterly Community Resource Day Videoconferences to help DC inmates prepare for release.

The videoconferences are broadcast to BOP facilities across the country. Participants, who are 60 to 90 days from release, hear presentations from DC organizations, law enforcement, and government agencies on the services available to them as returning citizens. They are provided the opportunity to ask questions and learn more from CSOSA and its community partners. Most importantly, participants receive a booklet containing local contacts and up-to-date program information to assist them in transitioning from incarceration to their return home in the District.

Once an individual begins CSOSA supervision, one meaningful way they are connected to the community is through resource fairs. Community Supervision Officers (CSOs) use resource fairs to educate supervisees on the services available to them through community partners. The fairs also help supervisees connect with potential mentors and employers, build relationships, and establish a support system.

At these in-person events, supervisees have the opportunity to engage directly with CSOSA community partners. Those partners in attendance typically provide services related to housing, education, employment, life skills, and mental health. However, like the supervision program itself, CSOSA resource fairs are tailored to address the current needs of the supervised population. CSOs, with assistance from OLIPA, may organize a resource fair that’s broad in scope or one focused on a specific topic.

CSOSA strives to be a model community supervision agency that is recognized for positively impacting individuals under its supervision and for improving public safety. In fiscal year 2021, 75% of CSOSA supervisees successfully completed their supervision. A key contributor to this success is the work of CSOSA community partners, who help supervisees create stability and connections to their community in conjunction with the dedication, guidance, coaching, and perseverance of CSOSA staff who work daily with supervisees.

CSOSA Receives Positive FY22 Agency Financial Audit

On November 15, 2022, CSOSA issued our Agency Financial Report (AFR) for fiscal year 2022. We are pleased to report that the FY 2022 financial audit resulted in a positive, unmodified audit opinion with zero material control issues, significant control deficiencies, or compliance issues identified in the audit report. These findings are consistent with the FY 2021 financial audit and an improvement from the FY 2020 financial audit.

The AFR is CSOSA’s principal report to the President, Congress, and the American people on our management of the funds with which we have been entrusted and we believe it clearly demonstrates our commitment to the effective stewardship of the public’s money.

Each year CSOSA is required to issue an AFR detailing financial and performance data for CSOSA’s two component programs: the Community Supervision Program (CSP) and the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA), an independent entity within CSOSA. CSP supervises adults on probation, parole, and supervised release as well as individuals subject to Civil Protection Orders or Deferred Sentencing Agreements. PSA supervises adults awaiting trial.

In the AFR, we provide general information about our financials, operations, challenges, and plans in a readable, non-technical format. Major contents of the CSOSA AFR are the agency’s audited financial statements with footnotes, auditor reports, select high-level performance information, and numerous management control and system assurances.

The fidelity of the reported data is evidenced by CSOSA having received unmodified opinions from our independent auditors since the agency’s inception. An unmodified audit opinion affirms that CSOSA’s financial statements were presented fairly in all material respects and in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

We remain committed to managing CSOSA’s resources in a transparent and accountable fashion as we carry out a mission that improves the lives of everyone who visits, works, and resides in the District of Columbia.