GUIDANCE | Public Feedback


Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) welcomes public comments on any guidance document that we have issued that is currently in effect.  You can find a list with links to access all of CSOSA’s guidance currently in effect within the CSOSA guidance portal.  You can submit comments or requests through guidance portal, email, mail, or hand delivery.  If you request a response and we believe it is warranted, we will provide the response within 90 days of your submission. Issuing, significantly modifying, or rescinding guidance documents is subject to CSOSA’s guidance management process.

To provide comments or requests electronically, go to the CSOSA guidance portal or email Check the CSOSA guidance portal before submitting a comment or request.  Use the unique identification number associated with the guidance document and its title as the header or subject of your correspondence.

You may also mail or deliver your comments or requests to:
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA)
Office of Policy Analysis (OPA)
633 Indiana Ave NW, Suite 1220
Washington, DC  20004

The Office of Policy Analysis (OPA) is open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday – Friday (except for Federal holidays) for deliveries.