WHAT WE DO | Integration


The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s (CSOSA’s) second strategic goal is to integrate supervisees into the community by connecting them with stabilizing resources and interventions vital to their ability to comply with the conditions of their release.

In addition to presenting with risk factors related to criminality, individuals under CSOSA supervision often struggle with other unmet needs that may affect their stability in the community and hinder their success under supervision. These needs include housing, mental and physical health, employment, and education. CSOSA works to increase supervisees’ stability, encourage inclusion in the community, and promote the successful completion of supervision by connecting them with resources to address these other factors.

Interventions include, but are not limited to, substance abuse treatment, behavioral health assessments and referrals, education and vocational training, employment assistance, violence prevention, transitional housing, and victim support. Along with close case supervision by community supervision officers, the supervisees’ use of these resources and ongoing application of the knowledge and skills gained through the needed interventions help reduce recidivism and increase public safety.

Moreover, CSOSA incorporates the principles of restorative justice into supervision through partnering with both community and criminal justice organizations to support offender integration in the community. Including both victims and the community in the justice process facilitates the integration of those we supervise into the community. Integration is further strengthened as community partners provide access to resources supervisees need to succeed on supervision and adjust to prosocial living.

Read our Strategic Plan to learn more about the treatment and support services available to individuals under our supervision.