On this page you will find information about CSOSA guidance documents and requirements concerning our use of them.

The term “guidance” is often used to refer to non-legislative rules, such as interpretations and policy statements. Guidance documents can be generally applicable, meaning they are intended to provide interpretations or policy statements that are applicable to the general public, or they can apply only to a particular party or parties. Contents of the posted documents do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. These documents are intended only to inform the public about existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

CSOSA’s final rule on the Guidance Development Procedures is published in the Federal Register.

CSOSA has provided this List of CSOSA Guidance Documents with information about all of CSOSA’s guidance documents currently in effect.

You may also review the Procedures for Public Feedback on CSOSA Guidance Documents.